Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which kind of papers are published in “IRJEAS”?

A: All research papers, review papers and scholarly articles, technical notes, research, and special issues related to any topic/specialization/trade in Engineering and Applied Sciences are eligible to be published in IRJEAS. Kindly refer to TOPICS for eligible topics in detail.

Q: Are papers published in IRJEAS indexed?

A: YES. All submissions published in IRJEAS are assigned DOI and metadata is regularly fetched to CROSSREF and other indexing agencies like Index Copernicus, Dimensions AI, World Catalogue, etc. CROSSREF fetches this metadata to numerous digital platforms. Hence, IRJEAS is a highly indexed journal. 

Q: What is DOI?

A: DOI stands for Digital Object Identifier. It is the most acclaimed and accepted PID (Persistent Identifier) which serves as a unique and permanent digital reference to the linked digital object. It helps a digital object to maintain its value, credibility and persistency. It makes a digital object much more searchable and citable hence provides a large coverage and other benefits to your work published. Know more about DOI.

Q: How can I submit my paper?

A: Author(s) have to submit their paper through email as an attachment at in MS Word (Ver. 2003 or higher) format.  Alternatively author(s) can use manuscript submission form

Q: When will I receive an acknowledgment mail for the submitted paper?

A: Paper submissions are normally acknowledged within 2-4 days.

Q: How long does it take for review process of the paper?
A: It will take about 40-60 days for IRJEAS to review the paper. Paper will be reviewed by the eminent reviewers of IRJEAS Editorial Board. Review report will be mailed to author as soon as review process is completed.

Q: How should I prepare my paper for submission?
A: The IRJEAS “Paper Template” for preparation of papers to be published in “IRJEAS” are provided as a link in .doc in the Downloads section on this website. You can simply download the template.

Q: How much is the Publication Fee?
A: Kindly refer FEE section for details.

Q: Is there any option for fee waiver?

A: YES. But under some specific conditions. For authors (any country) unable to pay full fee due to any financial problem/shortcoming/restriction are eligible for up to 75% waiver in publishing fee on production of genuine and valid proof in support of their claim for fee waiver. This waiver policy is adopted so that financial shortcomings never hinder any researcher from their work being noticed. Kindly Note that in case of not producing valid proof, full fee will be applicable.

Q: How can I deposit publication fees after getting acceptance letter?

A: Along with the acceptance letter, you will get the details of bank account and payment methods. You can deposit fees simply by going to the nearest branch of bank/online transfer/other digital payment methods available on website.

Q: What is review process at IRJEAS?

A: Refer to the section PEER REVIEW 

Q: Is IRJEAS an open access journal?

A: YES. IRJEAS is completely open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. View OPEN ACCESS STATEMENT

Q: Which license is used by IRJEAS?

A: All articles published in IRJEAS are under CC-BY 4.0 license 

CC-BY 4.0 license allows the public to adapt and share an author’s work, as long as the author credentials are properly cited (commercial purposes allowed)

Q: What is preservation policy for articles published in IRJEAS?