ISSN 2322-0821(E), ISSN 2394-9910(P)

An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Publication

Misconduct & Complaint Handling Process

Whenever a reviewer or reader reports inappropriate behavior, the journal investigates the situation and, based on available information, takes appropriate action.

Once sufficient evidence of wrongdoing has been identified, the perpetrator(s) will be notified and required to provide an explanation within a specific time frame.

In the event of suspected or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication, or plagiarism, the publisher will coordinate with the editors to take all appropriate measures and rewrite the manuscript mentioned. In worst-case scenarios, this could mean hastily publishing an error, appendix, explanation, or retracting previously published work.

The publisher will use reasonable measures to identify and stop the publication of any articles that may include possible misconduct. Under no circumstances will the publisher encourage such misconduct or permit publication of such work.

All authors are required to abide by the terms and conditions as well as any potential or actual misconduct determination(s) made by the INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCES or its publisher.

Although this is not always practicable, the journal is for authors to address such issues between themselves. The complainant must be informed that the problem will not be examined until the journal editor notifies the corresponding author or author and the institution or firm where the study was conducted of the complaint. Unless the author gives an acceptable explanation, the editor should inform the author that the issue may be addressed to the university or firm where the study was conducted and any other relevant institution or organisation (for example, a funding agency). In this fact-finding phase, the editor may want to solicit the opinions and comments of other parties who are likely to be familiar with the facts asserted by the complaint.


To plagiarise is to unjustly appropriate, steal, and publish the ideas or words of another author and present them as one’s own original work. This type of unauthorised copying is strictly condemned by IRJEAS.

Plagiarism is defined as follows:

Plagiarism is when someone copies a source’s sentence structure verbatim while changing the wording, without giving credit to the original author.

Plagiarism is when someone uses someone else’s words or ideas without citing the source.

It is immoral to pass off someone else’s work as your own.

It’s considered plagiarism to assign your name to someone else’s paper or other work.

The absence of quotation marks around a quote.

Misrepresenting the author of a quote.

Just changing a source’s terms won’t be enough to stop plagiarism. You have plagiarised it if you haven’t cited it, regardless of how much you’ve changed the context or how a notion is presented. Even if you retained the main premise of the source, this is still true. On the other hand, the bulk of plagiarism cases may be avoided by simply attributing sources.

The easiest way to prevent plagiarism is to simply acknowledge that a piece of text has been lifted and provide readers with the information they need to find the original source.

Declaration opposing plagiarism

The author(s) (all authors of the article) guarantee that: Using another person’s idea or published work in order to pass it off as one’s own is plagiarism, and authors are well aware that doing so is bad and illegal when submitting a work for consideration for publication in the INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING & APPLIED SCIENCES. They are also familiar with what plagiarism is and how it operates. The authors are also aware that the definition of plagiarism is the willful stealing of another person’s concept or published work in order to pass it off as one’s own.

Before submitting their work for publication, corresponding author on behalf of all authors must sign a statement confirming that all sources used in the creation of the article or project have been acknowledged and correctly referenced. The author(s) assume full responsibility for the work they have done, the information in the article, and any mistakes or omissions in the citations, unless otherwise specified.

We take action against plagiarism

To preserve the highest ethical standards and prevent plagiarism, the double-blind peer-review procedure is utilised to assure the highest quality and fair policy of assessment and publication process. In order to maintain the highest ethical standards, submitted research articles are evaluated and reviewed by specialists who have been invited for a particular discipline. This is done through a double-blind peer review process, which guarantees the highest quality and fairness in the evaluation and publication processes.

How is plagiarism check done?

When reviewing submitted articles, CREATECOM TECHNOLOGIES for all its journals including IRJEAS; uses Turnitin/iThenticate to find instances of duplicate and overlapping documents. TURNITIN is a multi-publisher project to verify the originality of published and submitted material. After submission and before being sent to an editor for editorial review, each article submitted for publication in IRJEAS is checked for possible plagiarism. If plagiarism is found by an editor, reviewer, or editorial staff at any time prior to publication, we will notify the author to make changes. If the plagiarism is serious, the article may be rejected and the author’s university or employer may be notified.

How plagiarism in an article is handled depends on the amount of plagiarism found in the work. The article receives a manuscript identifier and is immediately returned to the author for editing if it contains more than 10% plagiarism.

What to do in cases of plagiarism?

Please notify the editorial office(s) of all relevant journals if you discover plagiarism in a journal of any publisher. Please provide them with the journal title, manuscript title, author name, volume and issue number, year of publication, and any other information you may have. According to established procedures, newsrooms will handle situations.

Plagiarism after publication

After publication, if plagiarism is detected, CREATECOM TECHNOLOGIES will check. The journal’s editorial board will contact the financial resources of the author and the research institute if plagiarism is discovered. Each page of the PDF will have an indication of which part of the document has been plagiarized. Documents may also be officially removed, depending on detected plagiarism.